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Achieving the Smile of Your Dreams:
Real Patient Transformations Through Invisalign or Braces

Are you considering orthodontic treatment but unsure of the results you can achieve? Look no further than our website's page dedicated to before and after photos of actual patients. This blog post will explore the various orthodontic issues we address in our transformations, including crowding, a diastema, open bite, black triangle closure, crossbite, underbite, orthognathic surgical case, excessive overjet, spacing, and deep bite.


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Crowding is a common issue with insufficient space in the jaw for teeth to fit properly, causing them to overlap or twist. Our orthodontic treatment can realign teeth to create a straighter, more confident smile.


Diastema is a gap between two teeth, often found between the two front teeth. While some people embrace their diastema, others may prefer to close it for a more uniform smile. Our orthodontic treatment can achieve this by closing the gap with braces or clear aligners.

Open Bite

Open bite occurs when the upper and lower teeth do not meet when the mouth is closed, creating an opening in the bite. This can lead to speech difficulties and jaw pain. Our orthodontic treatment can fix an open bite by realigning the teeth and jaw to create a proper bite.

Black Triangle Closure

Black triangle closure is a cosmetic issue with a dark triangle-shaped space between two teeth. Our orthodontic treatment can close this space and improve the appearance of your smile.


Crossbite occurs when the upper teeth bite inside the lower teeth. This can cause uneven wear on teeth and jaw pain. Our orthodontic treatment can correct crossbites by moving teeth into the proper position.


Underbite occurs when the lower teeth protrude in front of the upper teeth, creating an abnormal bite. This can cause difficulties with speech and chewing. Our orthodontic treatment can realign the jaw and teeth to correct an underbite.

Orthognathic Surgical Case

Orthognathic surgery is a procedure used to correct jaw and bite issues that cannot be fixed with orthodontic treatment alone. Our orthodontic team works closely with oral and maxillofacial surgeons to achieve optimal results for our patients.

Excessive Overjet

Excessive overjet occurs when the upper front teeth protrude excessively over the lower front teeth. This can cause speech difficulties and put teeth at risk for injury. Our orthodontic treatment can realign teeth to reduce excessive overjet.


Spacing is a cosmetic issue where there are gaps between teeth. Our orthodontic treatment can close these gaps and create a more uniform smile.

Deep Bite

A deep bite occurs when the upper front teeth overlap the lower front teeth excessively when the mouth is closed. This can cause jaw pain and wear on teeth. Our orthodontic treatment can correct deep bites by realigning the teeth and jaw.

Additionally, it's important to note that all orthodontic issues mentioned in this post can be corrected with traditional braces or clear aligners like Invisalign. Our orthodontic team can discuss your case's best treatment options during your consultation. Don't let orthodontic issues hold you back from achieving the smile of your dreams - schedule an appointment with us today.


  1. How long does orthodontic treatment take?
    The length of orthodontic treatment varies depending on the case, but it typically lasts 12-24 months.
  2. Will I need to wear a retainer after treatment?
    Yes, wearing a retainer after treatment is necessary to maintain the results achieved by orthodontic treatment.
  3. Is orthodontic treatment painful?
    Some discomfort is normal during orthodontic treatment, but our team works to make the experience as comfortable as possible for our patients.
  4. How often do I need to visit the orthodontist during treatment?
    Patients visit the orthodontist every 4-6 weeks for adjustments and progress checks.
  5. Can adults undergo orthodontic treatment?
    Yes, adults can undergo orthodontic treatment and achieve great results. It's never too late to improve your smile!




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